Scrubbing the dead skin

Hi, i am coming back with this review about scrub. I always scrub my skin once in week. why? simply, because i believed that our skin was full of dead skin and with scrub we could help the regeneration. Beside that, i always love my skin after that. Looked brighter and softer. I received this product while purchased the beauty box. The result is awesome so i would give a little review.
And the scrub was.....
Yap, The product is Clarins Exfoliating Body Scrub.. Then, I'll give u some picture when i used it 

This product came with peach colour with soft particle inside. The smell not so strong, like ordinary flower.. I decided to use in rough part. That is my sole..
Before scrubbed

I scrubbed in 5 minutes with small towel, waited 5 minutes, and cleaned with water.. And take a looked with result...
After scrubbed
Wow, its kinda amazing!!See the differentiate?? The dark part in my sole has already gone and you got the bonus which your sole became so smooth. Truly, it was like you touched baby's cheek. LOL. I thought this product was reccomended in rough and dark for your part of the body. I would post several picture after scrubbed other area. Forgive me, that i didn't take photo before and after scrubbed.
Scrubbed The Knee

After Scrubbed

The elbow in scrub

After scrubbed
Yap, that's all my body part which i scrubbed with clarins. All of them got smooth skin and brighter.. I felt satisfied in this product. Also, you could get it easily in beauty counter in dept. store. For reccomended use, it was 1-2 times a week in product information.

Price : Rp 450.000,00


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