Indonesian Food : Tempeh with Soy Sauce (Orek Tempe Kecap)

Hai people,what will you do today?? Today, I'm not review the product but my other hobbies. What's else? Cooking. Yap, definitely. I love this thing so much and i want to share you in my first post about cooking. Why did I made this food today? Simply, because i have a plan to make 'Nasi Kuning' for friend's birthday party. And one of the side dish is orek tempe kecap. Then, I will practice first before serving to others hehehe.

I searched for simple recipe but looked delicious... This is the recipe:
First, Ingredients:
1. 100 grams tempeh (just for practicing) ;D                                   9. 3 wsp soy sauce
2. 5 quail eggs (telur puyuh)                                                          10. 1/4 tsp salt
3. 3 cloves of garlic                                                                       11. 1/2 wsp broth powder (kaldu bubuk)
4. 2 spring onions                                                                          12. oil for stir-fry
5. 1 lime leave                                                                               13. 1 cup of water
6. 4 daun salam                                                                            
7. 3 cm koriander 
8. cayenne pepper (adding as much you want)

Making you easy, I posted this picture (Exclude the egg, pleaseee)
Here're the ingredients

 After u put the oil in pan, add the garlic, spring onion, cayenne pepper, lime leave, daun salam, and koriander too.
 Frying tempeh and quail eggs just for half fried. Then, going into the spice in the top picture. Add, soy sauce, salt, and broth powder. Stir until all mixed well and put the water. Wait until 3 minutes. Well, You can serve it!!
This is the Result

I served with brown rice and fried fish meatball
Happy Lunch people!! :)


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